May 1, 2008

Blackberry launches first Flip Phone: Kickstart

Blackberry launches its first clamshell flip phone. This is the Blackberry's fine peace of flip phone. However, It's not very attractive, it's got a smugly RAZR-esque silhouette. The innerside inside of this flip phone is Pearly, with a trackball and SureType keyboard. People say that the internal LCD is decent looking but the short of the external has a weird sheen over it, so it's hard to tell there. Sort of an odd choice from RIM, I think was there an untapped demand for a flip Blackberry.
Blackberry launches first Flip Phone: Kickstart
Blackberry's clamshell flip phone is one of the best rated and selling smart Devices, it was the Samsung i500 running Palm. A Clamshell smartphone with a touch screen, but this has the pearl which might bring the price down and remove the nasty battery drain of the pearl getting bumped in your pocket.